He has more

Read: Matthew 7:1-29

In the last two verses of chapter 7 we read that the crowds were amazed at the teachings of Jesus. No doubt! God in flesh, the Creator of the Universe, the designer of all humanity, teaching people about how to live their life right. That’s awesome! “Amazed” almost seems too mellow of a reaction.

As you walk with Christ this month, I want to encourage you to take special notice of how many times you read that people were blown away or amazed by Jesus’ words, his actions, and how he lived. You’ll probably find that they were amazed because…

He had more than charisma, he had character.
He had more than personality, he had divine power.
He had more than crowd teaching, he had personal tenderness.
He had more than confidence, he had compassion.
He had more than words, he had wisdom.

In his words of wisdom he gave an illustration about a wise and foolish builder. The wise builder not only heard the words of Christ but he put them into action. The foolish builder crashed because he heard the words and didn’t apply them.

You too may be amazed at the teachings of Jesus, but you can be amazed and a fool at the same time if you don’t apply His words to your life. Make a commitment today to become a wise builder and develop a solid foundation for your life that is based on God’s Word…and your life will become amazing.

About Zach Younkin

I'm currently enrolled at Western Governors University, pursuing my degree in Human Resources. I'm hoping that this blog provides you with some encouragement to be what God has promised you. This blog collects dust, which is unfortunate. Keep your eyes open for some sporadic blog posts. I spend more time on Twitter, so go follow me there. @zachyounkin
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